Our Experts and Labs | Worthy - The Premier Auctions Marketplace
Our Commitment to Accuracy
Worthy is deeply committed to getting you the most for your valuables. A key component to accomplishing this is a professional, accurate and trustworthy evaluation. It is why we trust only the very best to authenticate and grade your valuable to be presented at auction. For all diamond and jewelry pieces, we selected two industry-leading labs;
For timepiece authentication, we entrust the esteemed professionals at
We take great care to provide both you and our buyers network with a highly accurate grading report, making the auction process as smooth and transparent as possible. Worthy offers the industry grading as a complimentary service to every seller.
GIA is the industry’s first choice for diamond grading. GIA created the 4Cs of Diamond Quality, the diamond grading system used by the industry today, and continues to safeguard those standards, setting the bar for accuracy and integrity. As a result, both pre-owned and new diamonds sold with GIA grading reports are considered more valuable and can command higher prices. We encourage all Worthy clients to take advantage of a free evaluation from the best, most respected gemological lab in the world. Since GIA only grades unmounted diamonds, we highly encourage our sellers to allow our professionals to unmount their diamonds for a GIA grading report.
International Gemological Institute (IGI)
When it comes to grading diamond jewelry, Worthy trusts industry-leading lab, IGI to carry them out. They share in our commitment to accuracy and integrity by following strict grading standards, utilizing cutting-edge technology, and hiring the best in the field. A grading from the International Gemological Institute adds value to your diamond by increasing buyer confidence in the authenticity and defining characteristics of the stone in its setting.
Open since 1952, CentralWatch is the go-to shop for repairs, restoration and specialty watch purchases. They are widely recognized by major media publications as New York City’s premier watch destination and uphold a stellar reputation in expertise and professionalism. We trust CentralWatch to confirm the authenticity of watches auctioned on Worthy, providing detailed descriptions that buyers can trust.
Evaluations carried out at Worthy are done with both the buyer and seller in mind, facilitating a mutual trust and ensuring a win-win at the end of every deal. It is my promise to you that every evaluation will be conducted with accuracy, objectivity and transparency.
- Peter C. Schneirla, Worthy President
Flawless Photos for Auction
When preparing your valuable items for auction, the final and most important step is capturing the attention of the buyers. In order to get you those high bids we use high resolution images taken using the best photo equipment available.