Celebrity Client Sells Ring with Movie Memories - Worthy's Client Review

Last updated: August 10, 2022
Jenn Gotzon Chandler Ring

We are always happy to hear from clients who were able to do something important to them with the money they receive from the sale of their jewelry. Recently, actress Jenn Gotzon Chandler sold her a ring from a previous marriage that held memories from real and fictional marriages.

Jenn is an actress who has starred in many films, including playing Tricia Nixon in the Ron Howard film Frost/Nixon. Her most recent project, The Farmer and the Belle, is in partnership with her husband Jim E. Chandler. The movie is part of a large project the couple has to develop movies and products with Godly values, including their #TrueBeauty charm bracelet.

The ring Jenn sold was from a previous marriage and was the one she wore while playing Ruth in the movie "The Good Book". The couple decided that the ring from a previous marriage would be better off on the hand of someone who could enjoy it.

We recently spoke to Jenn to learn more about her experience in selling with Worthy, what she’s working on now, and what she plans to do with the money from her auction.

Q: Jenn, you recently sold a ring with Worthy. What made you decide to use Worthy and sell your ring now?

A: My husband Jim E. Chandler (Stranger Things) and I thought it would be good to sell the ring to someone who could enjoy it.

Q: This ring has a story. It is the ring you wore during the shooting of the film, “Frost/Nixon” where you played President Richard Nixon’s daughter Tricia. What emotions were attached to this ring then and now, having sold it and letting it go, how do you feel?

A: Haha! The prop department had me wear a different ring for “Frost/Nixon” that would resemble Tricia’s family style. My ring which was sold on Worthy was safely pinned inside my pocket to avoid me being a klutz and losing it.

I did wear my ring (the one sold through Worthy’s auction) in the multi-award-winning film The Good Book. My character rubs the ring in deep pain processing what to do after seeing her husband having an affair. You can see the scene in the movie - available on Amazon Prime. After feeling unlovable going through a divorce, the ring held memories that fueled the emotions captured in the film.

Q: You are a storyteller and inspire and empower your audiences, especially women and girls to find their inner beauty and shine. We have similar values, as a company, Worthy helps women achieve their new opportunities with honesty and transparency. Just the facts. No lies. Tell us about your new movie, The Farmer and the Belle.

A: Thanks for asking. How kind of you. Our passion is to provide a pathway for true beauty and real love through “The Farmer and The Belle” franchise. We feature a bracelet that holds 5 engraved charms with mind transforming sayings about becoming beautiful based on God’s truth, such as “true beauty is serving others”, “make yourself attractive by doing acts of love”, “use whatever gift (talent) you received to serve others” (1 Peter 4:10). “The Farmer and The Belle” is inspired by how my husband Jim showed me how 1) to believe that I am worthy and 2) to find real love.

The movie is about a New York City model searching for love and learns having a beautiful heart is more valuable than a pretty face.

Our mission for "The Farmer and The Belle" impacting girl's lives about beauty.

"The Farmer and The Belle" is using movies, books & jewelry to create emotional security to girls of all ages about their value, love and beauty.

Q: Many women sell their rings and use the money to fund new projects, new opportunities. How are you using the money to bring you joy?

A: Love this question! We used the extra finances received from our successful auction on Worthy.com to enjoy a vacation to Iceland on a cruise!

Q: You are an important role model for women. Tell us what has impacted your career and how you connect with the movie roles you have.

A: Through the movies I star in, my prayer for women is to know we are valuable. Our appearance doesn’t make up our worth. When we feel divinely loved by God, love casts out fear and we can accomplish all our hopes and dreams. It doesn’t matter what shape, color or flaws you think you may have... inner beauty soaring strong is the most attractive feature of all. A joyful radiant smile with a heart to serve others, generously... wow, now that’s beautiful! Replace those lies swirling in your head by saying these truths about yourself: I am valuable. I am a magnificent masterpiece. I am beautiful. Made by God. My body and soul are marvelously made! Now… live in this new truth and become free! You are loved!

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